Friday, September 19, 2008

I'll see your "old faithful," and I'll raise to...

my face and eat em all up.

They look pretty good, don't they? (see with flash, and without). They taste pretty good, too. Though I wish I could find my beautiful-bran-bomb recipe to compare.

I made a few substitutions in this game (recipe experiment) because my field (kitchen) is missing a few players (ingredients).

Example: sugar=sucanat; skipped the coconut; used raisins and dates for fruit; walnuts for...nuts, duh; replaced the bananas with half and orange, its zest, and a Fuji apple; I added cinnamon.

I baked for 15 minutes in this weird new silicon muffin thingie. Now that I've tried what the 21st century has come up with, I know I prefer plain ol' fashioned aluminum, fyi. This silicon stuff is wriggly and seems untrustworthy.

In the end, the results look and taste snack- and guest-worthy.


Abby dear, what do you think I should let them in on next...the cool and easy Fuji apple appie, or something stove-belly hot?

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