Saturday, October 18, 2008

Got(ta) Loose Change

Spoiler Alert: If the personal is political, this is definitely one of those posts.

I got no food tonight, just a weird and painful hunger and some Loose Change.

But this hunger, I didn't even know what it was. It's been relatively easy to ignore--something to sleep right though. And I've been exactly that--lazy, comfortable, sleeping. But enough noise, enough "terror," has a way of jostling me. I'm up now. I'm getting the message.

And Loose Change, it's a documentary I just discovered. And as I watched, this "Loose Change" turned from a thing that chinga-chings to become a much bigger thing I must bring.

I tell you what--it's something you already know: Hunger--any kind--doesn't go away. It just might take a lot--I mean a lot--to get me to do something, anything about it.

It took Sean Penn, and Sean Penn again. There was Naomi Wolf, Bill O'Reilly someone...Dave Letterman, Michael Moore, even Phil Donahue! (In the aforementioned clips you can see O'Reilly's fear and rage, exactly the thing that the "extremist" Sean Penn speaks to in his first letter.) Oh--let's not forget Hardball.

Then there's what I saw today at the British Museum: this photo. (The one behind Leibovitz.) It's of the most powerful people in the world, you might say. If you look reeeeal close (go ahead, click, I'll wait)'ll notice that Bush's belt buckle is the American Seal. Isn't he funny. Isn't he clever. Isn't he sitting on top of the world.

Yeah. He is. And with that odd smirk that "extremist" Sean Penn speaks about, too.

Loose Change. It's given me a new sense of 911--a powerful, no-good sense--that demands sharing. It's given me a clear and frightening reminder of my own responsibilty to be--as it is reported Gandhi said it--the change I want to see in the world.

Loose Change. Won't you?

1 comment:

wabby said...

Hey, thanks for sharing this.I'm going to check it out btwn peer reviews today.

If you need/want a shot of hope. These octegenarian/obamamama/bff/blogger ladies make me really happy.