Friday, November 7, 2008

About Wab's Swiss Chard Lasagna from Friday, 26 September's Post...

In a word: Mmm.

The only switch I made was to use Sweet Italian "Turkey" Sausage instead of the regular. And I served six instead of eight.

The lemon and zest with the Chard: sublime. The serving sizes were perfectly huge. Only one person left one bite extra. Dinner was late--because of all the chopping and mixing and stove-toppery--but after it was served...after a few bites and mouth noises...people came back to their senses and talking resumed.

We finished up with friends' dollop of fruit-and-creamy dessert ("Dream Cream" I believe the chef called it) that I'll definitely get the recipe for. Hang tight for that. It's worth it....


Tina. said...

I want to make this one day, when I have more time to cook, and when I feel confident enough to make lasagna. I'll just make it sans sausage. :)

I love love love swiss chard. Here's my favorite ever swiss chard recipe. So yummy. I leave out the crushed red peppers (I like spicy, but not when it comes to this dish), and I sprinkle lemon juice over it right before serving.

Unknown said...

I can vouch for the ultimate awesome-ness of this dish. I am still full! Mmmmmm.

stacy muszynski said...

T, your recipe is like plucking up the lasagna innards and eating them up yum before they make it to the pasta/sauce stage of construction. Nice.

Stace, Stace, Stace, it was so good, no? Read the next blog entry!

stacy muszynski said...

Also, T--consider tofu sausage. The texture and addition of something substantially chewy is nice.

stacy muszynski said...

T, one last thing: the only thing I can tell you about lasagna to take the fear out:

If you're timing's off (as mine is) and your noodles get done before everything else, keep them fresh by pulling them out of the water and slipping them, flat, between parchment or wax paper until everything else is ready. Easy-breezy. (You might, as I did, refrigerate them in an air-tight container overnight.)

Full disclosure: this recipe gets easier the second time you do it (or if you've got a partner to help...because you're juggling a few things:

1. noodles
2. sauce
3. meat (or tofu) & greens

The meat (or tofu) is no biggie; it's forgiving. It'll wait nicely as the rest of the ingredients are prepared.

The sauce can be kept on low-simmer while the greens finish. (Don't forget to stir.)

The noodles do need care immediately or they'll turn to mush in the water, or--if you leave them laying around, they'll harden and/or shrivel up and give you a hard time. (See above directions for safe-keeping.)

Tina. said...

Thanks for all the pointers, Stac. I'm not sure when I'll actually be brave enough to try this, but I know where to go when I do. :)

PS--Did not know that you are back in TX. How's San Marcos? I miss it.

stacy muszynski said...

I'll take a special photo of something in San Marcos for you today... You know, it's taken me more than three years to fall in love with this place, and I'm in the throes of it now. Winter here is amazing (more amazing even that snuggling up in all that warm-weather gear).

Tina. said...

Yes, do!

We had some snow last night, and I went shopping for some winter gear this afternoon. Bought a hat (my first head in years!!!) and some gloves, a couple of sweaters and long-sleeved shirts... I forgot about winter. But the memory of it is coming back at me fast. :) I think this first one is going to be exciting.

stacy muszynski said...

I thought I was going to have to take a photo of our still-blooming Morning Glories or the sun-dappled Live Oaks for you. But no! Something better! It's our puppy! Tanny! (Well, now Tate--her human step-mother's allowed to do that, change names.) Stay tuned, I'll send you the pic via email....